Narrative guidelines - historical fiction

Name:  _______________________

Narrative Guidelines r9/24

Great historical events often have deep effects on the people who live through them. Depending on the person and the situation, those effects can be very different. 

Your task is to read through source articles and look at selected images from the time period you have chosen.  As you read and study the photographs, think about how this experience may have affected the individual people who lived through it.   Click on the title in the slideshow on Google Classroom while in present mode to get to your source article.   

Finally, you will write a narrative, showing how a particular small moment during this experience affected one person (an original character/conflict you create).   The action should last between 1-3 days (not longer).

Elements of a narrative

Write narratives to develop a real of imagined experience or event using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well structured event sequences.

Sequence/Due Dates:


Read your source article(s) and take notes.  Complete a plan/organizer before you write.    Make sure to include historical facts from the articles you read.    Feel free to conduct extra research if you need additional details.

Your plan is due on  THURSDAY, OCT. 24th.


Your draft should be at least 2 pages typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1” margins.  Use the  document on Google Classroom for this assignment.    Include at least 4 detailed historically accurate facts in your narrative.   Highlight those facts.  Make sure you look over the rubric BEFORE you draft to make sure you include all the required components.  Print your 1st draft.

Your first draft is due on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30th.


Your paper must be conferenced with the teacher. Through the “comments” or in class, ask for feedback regarding one specific portion of your paper.    


Revisions should be made directly on your draft.  Incorporate suggestions from the conference.  Use the blank lines for your revisions.   

Print your 2nd draft incorporating the revisions.

Your revisions & 2nd draft are due on  THURSDAY, NOV. 7th.


Once you have made your revisions, go through and edit your paper.  Make edits directly on your 2nd draft.

Your edits are due on  MONDAY, NOV. 11th.


*Final draft:

Make sure your final draft is available on Google Classroom.   When you turn in your final draft make sure you turn in your plan, first draft with revisions, 2nd draft, & your rubric.

Your final draft is due on  MONDAY, NOV. 11th.

CCSS W3:  Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.