Narrative Plan

Narrative Plan Name: ___________________________

What historical event have you chosen to focus on?

What significant moment will your narrator experience within this larger historical era? Make sure you pick one specific event from that historical moment.

Who will your narrator be? Be specific. What role does your narrator play in this historical event? Remember, you are writing as if you are this character (use first person POV)

Who are some of the other people who are involved? How are they involved? Be specific.

What is the conflict your narrator will face?

List at least 5 historic facts you can incorporate from the article &/or the graphics. Be specific.









Plan out the action of your narrative.

List a sequence of at least 5-6 events that will keep the plot of your narrative moving forward. Be specific. Include at least two events in the rising action (struggles the character must overcome).

Make sure you cover all of the stages of plot (refer to p. 26 in the anthology if you need to review the stages of plot).










How does the experience end? How does the narrator feel at the end? What has he/she learned?

CCSS Standard





W 7.5 With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.

Highly proficient


Developing proficiency

Limited proficiency