Narrative revision checklist

Name: _______________________

Narrative/Historical Fiction:  Narrative Revision Checklist 

                              Did you write using paragraphs?                               Yes ______    No ______

Did you indent those paragraphs?                             Yes ______    No ______

*Start a new paragraph when you change speaker, setting, time, or action.  Mark your draft with places to add paragraphs.*

Did all of your sentences end with punctuation?              Yes ______    No ______

Did you capitalize all of your sentence beginnings?          Yes ______    No ______

*If you did not use capitalization or punctuation, make these changes on your rough draft.*

*If you used these words in your paper, cross them out and add new words now. Look at your green packet for suggestions.*

*Highlight any “wow” words in your paper and add in at least 5 more “wow” words. 

                          (“Wow” words are descriptive words. Go look at your green packet for suggestions.)

          If so, did you follow the dialogue rules?                                                 Yes ______    No ______

         Do your explanatory phrases show who’s talking/how/what they’re doing?  Yes ____    No ______ 

*If your dialogue is not cited correctly, make the changes on your rough draft. Go back and look at the dialogue rules.*

    8.  Did you vary your sentence beginnings?                                                  Yes ______    No ______

* Underline the beginning of each sentence. If you repeated your sentence beginnings, make changes now*

    9.  Did you use figurative language? (similes, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia)   

                                                                                                                        Yes ______    No ______

*If you did not use figurative language, add it in now. This will help you be more descriptive. 

 Go look at your green packet for suggestions.*

    10.  Plot Structure

Did your story have a beginning including a setting and characters?         Yes ______    No ______

Did your story have a conflict?   Yes ______    No ______

Did your story build a climax?                                                                   Yes ______    No ______

Did your story have a resolution (good ending)?                                        Yes ______    No ______

Did your story stay in the 1-3 day time frame?                                         Yes ______    No ______

Did you highlight 4 or more specific historic facts?                                  Yes ______    No ______

*If you are missing any of the above, add them to your paper now.*

    11. Computer Revisions:

         Google Read & Write: Listen to your story on Google Read & Write. Make changes while listening. 

                    Run the check mark function on Google Read & Write. 

                    Do you have anything underlined in purple?                                              Yes ______    No ______

                    If yes, check the suggestions and make the corrections.